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Saturday, Mar 15, 2025

Time to Update Your Web Site?

So, you have a web site. Have you really taken a look at it lately? Was your last entry in your “Press Releases” section from 1999? Has anyone commented on it recently? Coming to the realization that it is time to enhance or improve your site is similar to that nagging knowingness that its just time to lose some weight. You feel it coming and ignore it for a while, until you finally take a close look in the mirror and you know. The bar has been raised on what types of web sites are acceptable in the marketplace. No longer is a static HTML page memorable or even noteworthy. Your web presence is your ever-present commercial, and it better be “sticky” or worth book marking or you’ve permanently lost an opportunity to make an impression. This is like sending an introvert to a trade show why bother? With emerging technology in web design, there are many ways to convert your site into a showpiece. Install a micro-site on your home page to highlight a new product-highly animated graphics and voice-over explanations or selling points can entice and educate more effectively than a brochure. Offer the micro-site on CD to those who request it. Add a site introduction before or after your home page-with original music or sound. Re-engineer the navigation to your site-are your buttons still on the left side of the home page? Your web site can be your most effective brochure and a significant enhancement to your overall marketing plan. It should be dynamic, fresh and in-style. Your receptionist should confidently direct every curious caller to the site for an immediate great first impression. Your site should reflect the quality of work you produce, it should not appear as an afterthought. A successful site is not necessarily an on-line store. It is a marketing piece that is remembered for its message and its ability to succinctly inform the visitor what you do and why you are better than your competition. Take a close look at your site .is it time? Its certainly more fun to renovate your site than go to the gym! Jessica Bass is a website consultant for Quick Source. She can be reached via www.q-source.com

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