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Monday, Mar 17, 2025

Schwarzenegger proclaims that California is in a drought

SACRAMENTO — Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger proclaimed a statewide drought Wednesday, warning that California’s water supply is falling dangerously low because of below-average rainfall and court-ordered water restrictions aimed at protecting fish. “We must recognize the severity of this crisis we face,” Schwarzenegger said at a Capitol news conference. He said this spring has been the driest on record in Northern California, which supplies most of the water to the state. Along with the proclamation, the governor issued an executive order intended to speed transfers of water to areas experiencing the most severe shortages, help local water districts boost conservation efforts, identify risks to the state’s water supply and assist farmers. For the full story visit http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-drought5-2008jun05,0,4234538.story

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