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Sunday, Mar 16, 2025

California cellphone law may be more costly than the $20 fine

The threat of a $20 fine may not sway every California driver from using a hand-held cellphone when a state ban takes effect July 1, but a motorist who ignores the law and causes an accident could face huge civil judgments or even jail if fatalities result. “If you cause a fatal accident and you are running a stop sign, speeding or crossing a double line, any additional violation would add to the possibility a manslaughter charge could be filed,” said W. Scott Thorpe, chief executive of the California District Attorneys Assn. “It all goes to state of mind and your recklessness.” The cellphone law is moving the state into uncharted territory. Though other states have enacted such laws, prosecutors, trial lawyers and insurance companies say it is still too soon to measure the effects. For the full story visit http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-hy-cellphones19-2008jun19,0,5552254.story

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