Los Angeles Valley College broke ground Wednesday on a $66 million expansion that will include new administrative offices, a jobs center and athletic facilities. Construction on the Valley College Gateway and the athletic facilities will begin in the coming weeks with projected completion dates in the middle of next year. The Gateway is a 77,000-square-foot building that will house the school’s main administrative offices, a community workforce development center and a job training center where students can find work and internships. The $35 million two-story facility also will house academic offices, seven conference rooms and more than a dozen classrooms. It will front the college’s main entrance on Fulton Avenue. “We’ll be able to increase our partnerships with businesses because we’ll have a larger facility than where the job training is right now,” said College President Erika Endrijonas. “It’ll be a great place for businesses to come and we’ll be able to host conferences and meetings as a way for us to connect with the business world.” The athletic facilities improvements will total $31 million and include a field house, baseball and softball fields, a javelin throw field and other equipment for student athletes. “The athletic facility brings us into the 21st century,” Endrijonas said. “What student athletes need is not only an opportunity to play but good equipment and facilities to train in.” The projects are being funded by bonds approved by voters within the Los Angeles Community College District.