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Friday, Mar 14, 2025

Governor Announces $6 Million in Veterans Assistance

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has awarded more than $6 million in Workforce Investment Act funds to help veterans returning to the civilian workforce. More than 1,500 newly discharged veterans will receive help finding jobs in high-growth occupations in California such as health care, emergency medical technology, construction, security, law enforcement and computer services. The 12 agencies receiving the grants have committed matching funds of almost $4 million to further expand their job training programs for a total investment of nearly $10 million. The grants will focus on identifying military transferable skills and determining career pathways to industries that offer livable wages, benefits and career advancement opportunities. The projects funded will also provide supportive services, placement and follow-up through case management programs expected to run through December 2009. Veterans who have served in previous wars may also qualify to receive assistance.

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