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Friday, Mar 14, 2025

VALLEY FORUM–Should Quackenbush Quit?

State Insurance Commissioner Chuck Quackenbush has come under intense scrutiny over the last month, as the state Legislature investigates allegations that he used taxpayer money from an insurance-industry quake fund for his own political purposes. With talk now turning to possible impeachment, The Business Journal asks: Do you think Quackenbush should resign? Jack McGrath Owner GM Communications Absolutely yes. I’ve never seen a public official abuse his authority more than him. If he doesn’t resign, I think he should be impeached. I’ve worked in politics and I’ve never seen anything more outrageous than this guy. The sooner (he resigns), the better. David Adelstein Adel Music No, I don’t think that’s the answer. I think you have a person in place, and rather than have him resign and put someone else in who has to start new and will be at a loss over what’s going on for awhile, he should stay. The best thing to do is have Quackenbush do what we really want him to do. It seems to me the problem will be solved in the next election he likely won’t be reelected. I think he’s a knowledgeable kind of guy. What he’s done is questionable. I would like to see him go after insurance companies more. But the bottom line is, he’s not a bad guy, and for a long time before this everybody was satisfied with his job. Joe Hooven President Best Window Treatment I don’t know. There are so many people who say he’s a good guy, and he’s done some neat things. But there’s also those people who say the complete opposite. I think it’s important that all the facts be learned about this case and there be open and honest hearings about what happened. There are two sides to every story. I’d hate to see a public official be scrutinized unfairly. Martha Diaz Aszkenazy Owner Pueblo Contracting Services Inc. That’s a tough one. As a knee-jerk reaction, I’d say he should resign and save the taxpayers additional money. That’s a gut reaction, though. And unfortunately, as grievous as his actions seem to be, I don’t know the whole story. It doesn’t look good. If the allegations turn out to be true, then he should resign. Walter Prince Porter Ranch Is Developed Enough I think Quackenbush should resign as fast as he can. He’s typical of why people are mad at the system, and he got caught. Am I mad? No. I’m disgusted. I’m one of those guys still battling the insurance company. I don’t have anything personally against Quackenbush. I just think he shouldn’t have done what he did. Hank Yuloff Promotionally Minded The funny answer is, he should stay and fight it out as long as he can because it makes the Democrats look better all the time. But the truthful answer is, I think he ought to quit before he’s impeached. I’m absolutely mad about this. He ripped off the public and that’s not what public officials are supposed to do. Flip Smith Owner Flip’s Tire Center I think they should impeach him. He should resign. Everybody in the Valley got affected by the earthquake. It cost me $60,000 on my house. I had no insurance. Insurance is a tremendous burden.

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